KDEVELOP_1_4: Married to a girl named Kate...

Roland Krause rokrau at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 29 03:38:18 UTC 2001

Allright friends after some substantial hacking, I have managed to get
a Kate part working!!! into kdevelop (KDEVELOP_1_4) under the wonderful
MDI manager. 

As a proof of concept I attach the patch. The tar file contains a patch
for kate from cvs, for kdevelop (KDEVELOP_1_4) and a snapshot that you
__neeeed__ to look at. 

Be warned, applying the patch to your working version of kdevelop will
most certainly hose it :-) for serious work, so make a backup or get a
working version from CVS first. You can edit things though but I have
not tried to really do things. It's there to look pretty nothing more.

The kate patch is harmless it only beefs up the kate interface. 

I'll be gone all next week, so give it a spin and let me know, I will
at least read my email. 

Also, if someone could please explain to me how kate opens, saves,
saveAs and closes documents, i'd be very happy.


Roland Krause
In the garage of life there are mechanics and 
there are drivers. Mechanics wanted!

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