TODO list for KDevelop-2.0 (17/July/2001)

Ralf Nolden nolden at
Tue Jul 24 07:59:58 UTC 2001

On Monday, 23. July 2001 17:35, you wrote:
> jbb wrote:
> >  3 disassembly tab not working
> fixed in CVS.
> >  4 call stack doesn't always get displayed when starting the debugger
> > even if it is ticked in the menu.
> fixed in CVS.
> > > 6. people say main-caption crashes sometimes (I cannot reproduce it)
> fixed in CVS.

Cool, cool, cool is all I can say about you guys :))  Again, I cannot express 
my feelings about being part of this project. You are doing so wonderful it's 
really amazing to everyone. Also I very much appreciate the "newbies" that 
are joining our part of the KDE project. Welcome to everyone and may you have 
as much fun with programming on KDevelop/Gideon like we had for the couple of 
years already we were working on it!


We're not a company, we just produce better code at less costs.
Ralf Nolden
nolden at

The K Desktop Environment	The KDevelop Project

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