RPM Part for KDevelop 3.0

Sandy Meier smeier at kdevelop.org
Sat Jul 21 11:41:37 UTC 2001

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday, 21. July 2001 11:04, you wrote:
> > My thinking here is I want to make it very easy and convienent for first
> > time developers to get there software into KDE and get exposure to the
> > community. I feel KDevelop allows developers to get started on the KDE
> > platform.  I think it is natural that we should make extentions to help
> > users get there work noticed.
> upload.kde.org is the ftp site that you can use in any case for
> distributing packages in case you have no website. When your dcop scripting
> works for all actions, you could also send a mail to pour at kde.org with a
> link to add your packages to apps.kde.com :)

Ian, do plan to extend the packagemanagment to other targets then KDE? You 
know with KDevelop 3.0 it will be possible to write not only C++/KDE 
software.:-) If it is just for KDE projects we need to make sure that it is 
loaded in KDE projects only. (not difficult see HACKING file)


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The question is not, can they reason? nor,can they talk? 
but, can they suffer? (Jeremy Bentham)
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