Bug#24433: kdevelop window resize upon execute
F@lk Brettschneider
gigafalk at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 20 11:12:19 UTC 2001
fixed in KDevelop-2.0.0
F at lk
Frank Haferkorn wrote:
> At my KDE2.1.2 System with kdevelop1.4.1 there occurred the same error.
> The winow was completly resized, it was only partly on the screen.
> Dragging it back won't help, as it is now MUCH bigger then a full screen.
> Even the Treeview at the left side was moved rightwards sometimes, so that a
> grey field ocuured at the left and right side of the TOO large Window.
> I could find the rule when it's resizung up and over the screen. too.
> Resizing occures every time and only when the (Error-)Message-Text in the
> Status Bar won't fit on its given QtLabel (?) field I belive this is a not
> checke doverflow error:
> I happend very often during compilation. of C++ Programs when
> some Function Arguments wont fit, and bothcal and prototye are messaged.
> It also happens if you step thru the error messages and reach a too long
> error. line-- SIZE
> I used to lay the Key Comand Command Maximize in the Keyboard,
> As calling Maximize twice helps. in most cases.
> Hope this helps,
> Frank Haferkorn
> -
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