3 questions about translations

Matteo Merli merlim at libero.it
Tue Jul 10 13:36:48 UTC 2001

i'm translating KDevelop into italian and i have just 3 questions to do:

1. Is the printing configuration system (a2ps and enscript) intended to be    
  used in KDevelop-2.0 ?
  the messages are in CVS, but i don't see anymore a menu way to reach that   
   configuration dialog.

2. How can i test the translations of "tip of the day"? i have "compiled" 
kdevtipofday.po in kdevtipofday.mo and put it in the usual directory for 
italian translations, but kdevelop always load the english version.

3. How can i translate the Welcome Page?


Matteo Merli
merlim at libero.it

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