screenshot of Kdevelop1.4

Sandy Meier smeier at
Sun Jan 7 17:40:14 UTC 2001

On Samstag,  6. Januar 2001 19:20, Serge Lussier wrote:
> Hi, ( sorry for my lack of english )
> I just wanted to show it with the KdevHP theme from bartel.
> ...And to show that it works and ROCKS at %100 just like kdevelop
> 1.3beta1.
> I compiled and installed version 1.4branch as of January 6, 2001
> from the kde's CVS repositry.
> I hope the picture isn't too big (1600x1200), it shows my entire
> desktop...
> Hey guys, you can't resist to put it on the front page! :-)
> (joke)
> I say thank you very much for your time and your hard work.


Unfortunaty we have already 2 screenshots of KDevelop1.4 on the homepage, 
else we had taken yours. :-)


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