Feature idea

ian reinhart geiser geiseri at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 17 15:34:02 UTC 2001

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 17 December 2001 09:01 am, you wrote about Re: Feature idea:
> Is this hard to implement. Or is there another easy way of doing such
> things? Every time I want to change a function name in every file of a
> project, it's a mess. So I'm considering doing it myself if it's fairly
> easy.
Actually using the KTextEdit SearchInterface it is very easy.

You would first querry all of the document objects to get a list of active 
documents, you would probibly want to recusivly traverse the project file too 
so that you can find ALL documents in the project.

At that point you use the Search interface to find all of your targes and 
their lenghts.  You can then use the KTextEdit interface to replace all of 
these values with your desired value.

I have a friend who is working on something similar to this, but a litte more 
indepth.  Ideally when it is done you will be able to drag a function from 
one class to another, rename classes/functions and data members, and to do 
some other refactoring functions.  

He is doing these things using the KTextEdit interface, and Kate, but I have 
him convinced that he should add these functions to KDevelop once we sort 
ourselves out.

	-ian reinhart geiser
- -- 
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