Processed (Stephan Binner <Stephan.Binner at>): cleanup
Stephan Kulow
owner at
Sat Dec 8 15:04:02 UTC 2001
Processing commands for control at
> close 27595
Bug#27595: Text is not correctly rendered during a horizontal scroll
Bug closed, ack sent to submitter!
> close 35891
Bug#35891: Spruce stürzt bei (keinen) Attachements ab
Bug closed, ack sent to submitter!
> reassign 35893 kdevelop
Bug#35893: generated link commands
Bug reassigned from package `unknown' to `kdevelop'.
> reassign 35898 kde
Bug#35898: netscape and desktop menu don't work together.
Bug reassigned from package `kdesktop' to `kde'.
> reassign 35899 kwin
Bug#35899: windows sometimes move between desktops by themselves
Bug reassigned from package `ksmserver' to `kwin'.
> reassign 35920 kmail
Bug#35920: kmail does not allow to choose which mail headers to display
Bug reassigned from package `unknown' to `kmail'.
> reassign 35917 kmail
Bug#35917: Displaying To instead of From for sent mail
Bug reassigned from package `unknown' to `kmail'.
> reassign 35930 korganizer
Bug#35930: korganizer: Specifying Times is unreasonably hard
Bug reassigned from package `unknown' to `korganizer'.
> reassign 35921 korganizer
Bug#35921: Should be able to select multiple appointments for category
Bug reassigned from package `unknown' to `korganizer'.
> close 35905
Bug#35905: Sorting news by date down not work since the unix-time switched
Bug closed, ack sent to submitter!
> reassign 35916 knewsticker
Bug#35916: KNewsTicker not displaying correctly polish diacrytic letters
Bug reassigned from package `unknown' to `knewsticker'.
> reassign 35924 ksirc
Bug#35924: ksirc: quit a channel produce a colored quit message
Bug reassigned from package `unknown' to `ksirc'.
> close 35928
Bug#35928: kmail: subjective wishlist
Bug closed, ack sent to submitter!
> reassign 35923 kmail
Bug#35923: kmail: s/mime support please?
Bug reassigned from package `unknown' to `kmail'.
> reassign 35927 korganizer
Bug#35927: korganizer: wish for undo feature
Bug reassigned from package `unknown' to `korganizer'.
End of message, stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Stephan Kulow
(administrator, KDE bugs database)
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