Hi - Question about CVS HEAD

Matthias Hoelzer-Kluepfel mhk at caldera.de
Thu Apr 26 16:47:49 UTC 2001

Am Dienstag 24 April 2001 18:17 schrieben Sie:

> Is the current code in HEAD worth to use ? No real structure, no real
> system in my eyes, mixing everything together and put on the top of
> confusing code a plugininterface,  is that the way to go on ?

Hi Christoph,

I guess you can guess what I want to say, as I have said so before on IRC.

The current HEAD code is not perfect, but it is a perfect base for going 
forward. I liked KDevelop since I started using it (which was rather late, I 
admit), and I immediately had ideas about what I would like to add. But I 
didn't get familiar with the KDevelop 1.4 code base, so I didn't go on.

When I saw the gideon code, I saw that I could add all I would like to add 
without any big problems. And that is the real cool thing about it, and 
everyone I have talked to about it (other than you) feel the same.

I feel that KDevelop 3.0 can be a real killer, even if it would only provides 
the same functionality than 2.0, because every interested developer will 
immediately see how easy it is to add his most-wanted feature.

> In my eyes complete HEAD code can be trashed away an we would need a
> complete new app with a well stucture like this:
> KDevApp
>  - KDevDocManager
>  - KDevPluginManager
>  - KDevMainWindow (or KDevExtMDI or something like that)
>    - KDevViewManager
> Thats a structur which will work with multiple mainwindows .... (k, its
> like the structur in Kate, you know me).

Hehe, but I really don't think that KDevelops code is bad. There are a few 
things that have to change, but that will change, I am sure.


... working on a generic view manager ...

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