KDevelop editor interfaces - ups

Bernd Gehrmann bernd at physik.hu-berlin.de
Mon Apr 23 19:14:54 UTC 2001

On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, Cullmann Christoph wrote:

> Hi,
> just updated my kdevelop CVS and tested the interface you commited,
> Now I got the idea behind it, it embedds the hole editor app (k, not app but 
> docmanager .......) into kdevelop.

Which means that window management for multiple views per document
has to be done inside the part. This in turn means that you can't
freely mix khtml and editor windows. This is actually how gideon
began (see ftp://linde.physik.hu-berlin.de/pub/bernd/gideon-emacs.png)
and it sucked a lot.

Maybe I'm just missing the idea behind the stuff commited...


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