Integrated self-extracting installers

Ralf Nolden nolden at
Mon Apr 23 08:42:26 UTC 2001

Jono Bacon wrote:
> Hello all,
> I hope this email is of some use to you guys, and hopefully generates a bit
> of discussion.
> Recently I have been working on the KDE Usability Study; a system to identify
> defects in the KDE user interface, and one area through my initial research
> that is a problem is installation of software.
> I have been taking a look around at the various soloutions currently
> available and they are all incomplete. This let me onto an idea.
> KDevelop is leading the way in IDE development at the moment it seems, and
> offers an integrated environment. I was thinking that to truly top KDevelop
> off would be an integrated self extracting installation facility.
> This my idea:
> A developer could fire up KDevelop, use the app wizard to create a template
> app, build his or her application, and then when it is ready for a release,
> they select something such as Package from a menu and the self extracting
> installation program is included with the application. The self extractor
> would operate in a similar fashion to InstallShield; ie a graphical wizard to
> install the software, compiling if neccecery.
> Any ideas or comments?

Well, I thought over this for years, sure the others did as well. But I
didn't get to a real solution up to now. Distro's are using different
stuff everywhere, so the only real solution for a stable, non-crashing
install-wizard would be to include one into the core of KDE that is
called by KDE itself if the user wants to install an app. It would be
more of an extension of KPackage though to install all this stuff. Think
about it, maybe it's worth considering to add that as another module to


Finally, even I have to admit that being myself was the best thing
that ever could have happened to me. - Le Grand Charmeur

Ralf Nolden

The KDevelop Project

nolden at
rnolden at

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