editwidget and ckdevelop

Roland Krause rokrau at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 20 21:19:22 UTC 2001


--- John Birch <jbb at kdevelop.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I suspect that you want the cproject so that you can goto the 
> decl/defn? 

Yes, exactly. There is a method that is called upon mouseclick from
where I would like to provide some "enhanced goto" functionality. 
Here is what I would like to do:

There should be three tags related "Goto" possibilities: 

1 Open File
2 Goto Definition
3 Goto Declaration

Depending on the string that the cursor was in, these would be enabled
or disabled. For example: if the cursor is on a string that is marked
as a filename in the tags file, then "Open File" shall be enabled,
otherwise it shall be disabled. If the string is found in the tags file
and it is marked as a method of a class and both definition and
declaration are available, then these items are enabled otherwise
disabled.  Goto Definition could be a fallback. If the tag is found
multiple times a ctag dialog (similar to the grep result dialog) will
let the user choose one possiblity. 

Upon RMC there should be these possibilities available then but for
this to work I do need direct access to the CTags DataBase directly. 

It still may turn out, that the search is too slow to be performed
every time the user does a mouse click, then I could by default enable
all three options and use the approach you described to call a
CKDevelop slot. 

Let's see.

> Having the editwidget (whos function is to edit _a_ file)
> dealing 
> with this doesn't sound too good.
> Why not just emit a signal from the editwidget say
> switchToDefnOrDecl(const 
> QString& class, const QString& decl) and sort it out in ckdevelop or
> cproject 
> or (perhaps even class tree)?
> But I don't know what you are really trying to do. Just remember that
> the 
> signal/slot mechanism is very good in removing linkages between
> classes.
> jbb

Roland Krause
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there are drivers. Mechanics wanted!

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