Getting started with jdb support

Ralf Nolden nolden at
Thu Apr 19 07:38:37 UTC 2001

John Birch wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Apr 2001 20:54, Bernd Gehrmann wrote:
> > On Wed, 18 Apr 2001, John Birch wrote:
> > > Ok,
> > >
> > > there's probably quite a lot of commonality there
> > > breakpoints
> >
> > Oh, that reminds what is broken (and apparently was always broken).
> > Set a breakpoint in the editor. Now insert a line before it. Toggle
> > the breakpoint => The editor now knows about one breakpoint, but
> > the breakpoint list about two. Also, if lines are deleted and inserted,
> > breakpoints are not moved.
> Yes, known problem.
> > IMO if editing files is not supported
> > in connection with the debugger, the purpose of an internal debugger
> > is pretty much defeated.
> Hmm - an unusual thing to say. Can't really agree with this view and judging
> by the lack of bug reports the users also don't seem to agree. It just makes
> it more awkward to use that it should be and needs to be fixed.
> Breakpoints also need to be saved per project

Ok, here's my 2c for that one. Fixing breakpoint moving is somewhat
difficult if you only store the filename and linenumber. What if the
user uses e.g. Cervisia to update his project via CVS, then switch back
to kdevelop ? or editing files outside kdevelop with another editor ?
That means, we should connect the line contents itself with the
breakpoint, even at the cost that the project file storing this
debugging infos may get a bit bigger. On loading, the lines have to be
compared before setting the breakpoint. Hm. and breakpoints who couldn't
be set ? Maybe the "fuzzy" string handling in e.g. KBabel is an idea.
What I mean is that the user should be provided a wizard displaying the
breakpoints that the debugger is unable to set because the lines don't
exist anymore and then have the chance to re-set the breakpoints
somewhere else or discard them. How do other debuggers handle this ?


Finally, even I have to admit that being myself was the best thing
that ever could have happened to me. - Le Grand Charmeur

Ralf Nolden

The KDevelop Project

nolden at
rnolden at

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