ctags one more...

Ralf Nolden nolden at kde.org
Tue Apr 17 10:14:09 UTC 2001

Richard Dale wrote:
> In my opinion, a feature like this would not be 'built into' KDevelop 3.0, it
> should be added by means of a python script creating a custom menu item or
> similar. But it would be a good example to test out the scripting (the real
> work would be adding any missing cabapilites to that) if you did ctags in that
> way.
To this subject, please try to follow/investigate/help on
kde-core/kde-devel on this. The idea of customizable menu entries
connected to scripts is also discussed there and a common KDE-way to do
this is very desireable.

Finally, even I have to admit that being myself was the best thing
that ever could have happened to me. - Le Grand Charmeur

Ralf Nolden

The KDevelop Project

nolden at kde.org
rnolden at kdevelop.org

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