another newbie question: Makefile.cvs

Lorenzo Delana ldelana at
Mon Apr 16 12:36:21 UTC 2001

	@echo "This Makefile is only for the CVS repository"
	@echo "This will be deleted before making the distribution"
	@echo ""
	@if test ! -d admin; then \
	   echo "Please recheckout this module!" ;\
	   echo "for cvs: use checkout once and after that update again" ;\
	   echo "for cvsup: checkout kde-common from cvsup and" ;\
	   echo "   link kde-common/admin to ./admin" ;\
	   exit 1 ;\
	$(MAKE) -f admin/Makefile.common cvs


what I have todo to compile kdevelop ? now, I have KDEVELOP_1_4 branch
from CVS.

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