beautifying code

Sandy Meier smeier at
Wed Sep 20 09:25:31 UTC 2000

Am Mit, 20 Sep 2000 schrieben Sie:
> >I would prefer a few rules:
> >
> >- prefix "m_" for class attributes
> >- prefix "p" for pointers
> >- prefix "m_p" for class attributes which are pointers
> >- upper case letters for each single word in a compound word: e.g.
> >KDevViewHandler instead of Kdevviewhandler.
> >- tab space = 3
> >- tabs replaced by spaces
> >- prefix "b" for boolean variables
> >- no prefix "get" at the beginning of a get function.

I agree to this rules, but I don't know how xemacs handle tabs and spaces.

> I think it's a good idea to have one coding style. Falk's suggestions are
> quite near to the style we use in JAVA. There are two additional conventions:
> > 2. variablenames are always completely lowercase (same as in C/C++)
> Would be a contradiction to e.g. m_pKDevelopGUI

I like the "m_pKDevelopGUI" systax.

BTW: Does somebody know a good design tool to draw classdiagramms? If we
have good classdiagramms (inherit and use relations) for each component
understanding the architecture would be much easier.

email: smeier at  ICQ: 27681958
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