Changelog question
Ralf Nolden
nolden at
Wed Oct 18 20:57:29 UTC 2000
John Birch wrote:
> Hi Ralf,
> >From Changelog
> * dependency problem still unsolved as ui files get processed at the end of
> compiling which causes
> a problem if the header is included before...anyone a clue how to fix
> that ? (this is for all templates)
> What's this problem? am_edit should build the rules correctly for this? What
> do I have to do to see the error?
> jbb
> /me has only just woken and updated kdevelop 1.2 - so haven't seen what
> you've done.
The problem is if you add a ui file with designer and want to integrate
it - e.g. a wizard or a dialog, you have to #include its header file
somewhere in the code of other cpp files.
-> even though the ui file is added in front of all sourcefiles in the
_SOURCES line, the header and implementation file get generated after
all normal cpp file are compiled. -> we need to change am_edit or
whatever so that ui files get compiled first, at least all header files
get generated before any cpp file is compiled (when the headers are
there it´s equal which cpp file gets compiled first)
See the problem now ? Would be glad to know any solution. I thought
about having a look at some code in MAIN where designer files are
already used to see how to get around that. Or does this problem not
occur when you add an #include somewhere for a header that doesn´t exist
yet and am_edit magically changes the compilation order ?
The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Oscar Wilde
Ralf Nolden
The KDevelop Project
nolden at
rnolden at
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