Bug#14608: Create projectfile confuses make and run commands

Jens Zurheide zuzu at surf-callino.de
Sat Nov 4 19:49:16 UTC 2000

Package: kdevelop
Version: 1.3-20001104-A
Severity: normal

Bugreport ID : 15:37,04.11.00

Originator	: Jens Zurheide
E-Mail		: zuzu at surf-callino.de

Subject : Create projectfile confuses make and run commands

Error Class	: software bug
Error Location	: project management
Priority	: medium
Bug Description ---------------------------

After creating a project file in an old kdevelop project I can hardly get
rid of the project when creating a new kde-2 project directly afterwards.
Always the old project is compiled unless a "rebuild" is performed. The
first steps of the rebuild are deleting all files in the old project's
directory. Maybe a chdir() is missing somewhere.

How to repeat the error -------------------

Project | Create project file... in one (dummy) project with existing project
file and overwrite existing file. Create kde-2 normal application (at same
directory level, e.g project file in src/test1 and create in src/test2) and
(try to) run new application. This should result in test1 being compiled

Bugfix or Workaround ----------------------

Remake all

System Information ------------------------

KDevelop version	: 1.3-20001104-A
KDE version		: 1.1.2
QT version		: 1.45+2.2.1
OS/Distribution		: SuSE 7.0
Compiler		: gcc-2.95.2

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