the past, present and future of KDevelop

Ralf Nolden Ralf.Nolden at
Sun May 14 09:49:46 UTC 2000

Sandy Meier wrote:
> Hi!
> After a successful KDevelop1.x serie (every release was mentioned on
>!) and one week to relax (the last week :-)) I think we
> In my opinion everyone should first port all important features/documentation
> from KDevelop1.2 to KDevelop2,  which he added after the KDevelop1.0beta2
> release. I saw John have already started to port his debugger.
I´ll be up to fix the docbrowser and the usual things like statusbar,
help and possibly toolbars/menubars with xml. Further I´ll have to read
through the KDE/Qt api to know what´s to be changed for the
documentation. There is a lot that has to be rewritten...

The current documentation of 1.2 is already converted to docbook
including the international versions. The international translations are
now part of the kde-i18n module where new translations have to be added.

I myself will be somewhat limited the next month for doing too much
because I´ll have to write that chapter for the KDE 2.0 Development book
about kdevelop 1.2 until June 9th and then I´ll have to start learning
for the two exams (hammer exams..;-( ) which I´ll have until August. In
September I´ll sure have enough time to rewrite the documentation more

Have fun,

greetings from the KDE booth at Braunschweig,


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