Internationalization suggestions

Ralf Funken rfunken at
Mon Mar 13 05:51:57 UTC 2000


I received a mail from a french translator concernig to problems.
First is in appwiz. The vcs edit field gives you two choices, one is CVS the
other NONE. He asked me to put an i18n before NONE, but I can't do that because
that field is checked by getting the text, so if I did, the projects wouldn't be
set up correctly. This means in version 2, we should always get the info from
the number of the selected item, not from the text.

Second is about a construct like ...,libname+i18n("-Library"),..
This can't be translated correctly, because the roman languages put the
Library before libname. So it's better to do a 
msg.sprintf (i18n("%s-Library"), before and then
display msg in the dialog or whatever. This way everyone can build correct

Walter: This time I had a very close look, before I changed anything :-))


Ralf Funken
rfunken at
the kdevelop team

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