Bug#5797: New verion of Qt installed and OpenGl - Kde projects

JEAN PIERRE CHARALAMOS - PROF. INGENIERIA jcharala at javercol.javeriana.edu.co
Thu Jun 29 16:12:05 UTC 2000

Package: kdevelop Version: 1.2 Severity: normal
Bugreport ID : 11:18,29.06.00
Originator : Pedro E-Mail : NakedMind at CyberJunkie.com
Subject : New verion of Qt installed and OpenGl - Kde projects
Error Class : software bug Error Location : app-wizard Priority : high Bug
Description ---------------------------
Two "errors": 1. In a Qt 2.1. MDI project: /ejm: error in loading shared
libraries: libqt.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
2. In Kde configure: error: Qt (>= 1.42 and < 2.0) (libraries) not found. 
Please check your installation! I've just installed Qt 2.1.1 and i
compiled the opengl extension, but i dont know where to updated it. 
How to repeat the error -------------------
Bugfix or Workaround ----------------------
System Information ------------------------
KDevelop version : 1.2 KDE version :  QT version : 2.1.1 OS/Distribution : 
Compiler : 
misc : 
slackware 7.0                                    

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