Bug#5019: Wrong Qt Library

Dr. Gottfried Olbrich olbrich at mpi-muelheim.mpg.de
Mon Jun 19 09:35:19 UTC 2000

To my bug report I want to add that my system is an updated SuSE 6.4 and not a
newly installed one. Therefore, there can be some rests from the previous
installation.  I think that this error could be eliminated if I know in which
configuration file which file access or which symbolic link I have to change.

Gottfried Olbrich

Dr. Gottfried Olbrich
MPI fuer Strahlenchemie                          Tel: ++49(0)208 306 3696
Stiftstrasse 34-36                               Fax: ++49(0)208 306 3951
D-45470 Muelheim/Ruhr                  email: olbrich at mpi-muelheim-mpg.de

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