Bug#6390: KDevelop : Namespaces handled badly by Class Viewer

Richard Andrews richarda at ixla.com.au
Mon Jul 17 02:02:24 UTC 2000

Package: kdevelop
Version: 1.2
Severity: wishlist

Bugreport ID : 11:13,17.07.00

Originator      : Richard Andrews
E-Mail          : richarda at ixla.com.au

Subject : Namespaces are handled badly

Error Class     : change-request
Error Location  : class tree
Priority        : medium
Bug Description ---------------------------

The format for the class viewer needs to be changed.
I am working on a large project where all of my classes are contained
in a single namespace for separation from third party code.
When I try to use the class viewer all of my classes get put into the
Namespaces folder. This is useless - it takes me longer to find them
than in the RFV.
Please change the viewer so that a Namespaces folder occurs for
each (physical) folder in the project, or so there is an option to do
Alternatively, put Namespaces at a level higher than Classes
(which is how it should be) then have a Classes folder for each
namespace and relevant folders contained within each.
Namespaces are a CENTRAL part of C++ please don't ignore their

How to repeat the error -------------------

Create a project with many classes over many folders.
Put each class in the same namespace eg.

namespace myNamespace
    class myNewClass
    { ...

Bugfix or Workaround ----------------------


System Information ------------------------

KDevelop version        : 1.2
KDE version             : irrelevant
QT version              : irrelevant
OS/Distribution         : irrelevant
Compiler                : irrelevant

misc :

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