Bug#2404: marked as done (qt2.0 and KDE mini)

Stephan Kulow owner at bugs.kde.org
Thu Jan 27 22:48:01 UTC 2000

Your message dated Thu, 27 Jan 2000 23:41:39 +0100
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has caused the attached bug report to be marked as done.

This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.

(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what I'm
talking about this indicates a serious mail system misconfiguration
somewhere.  Please contact me immediately.)

Stephan Kulow
(administrator, KDE bugs database)

Received: (at submit) by bugs.kde.org; 9 Dec 1999 10:27:01 +0000
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Date:   Thu, 9 Dec 1999 11:25:37 GMT
Message-Id: <199912091125.LAA07626 at swpnw10.knapp.at>
FROM:   Hermann Schranzhofer <schranzh at knapp.co.at>
TO:     submit at bugs.kde.org
SUBJECT: qt2.0 and KDE mini
Return-Path: <schranzh at knapp.co.at>
X-Orcpt: rfc822;submit at bugs.kde.org

Package: kdevelop
Version: 1.0beta4.1
Severity: normal

Bugreport ID : 11:11,09.12.99

Originator	: Hermann Schranzhofer
E-Mail		: schranzh at knapp.co.at

Subject : qt2.0 and KDE mini

Error Class	: how do I ...
Error Location	: app-wizard
Priority	: low
Bug Description ---------------------------

I made an update from SUSE 6.2 to 6.3 and installed qt2.0
(only qtdevel2 is installed and qtlib and qtlib2)

If I make a new Project with the AppWizard in kdevelope and I choose
KDE mini
I get the following message:

checking for kde libraries installed... configure: error: your system fails at l
inking a small KDE application!
Check, if your compiler is installed correctly and if you have used the
same compiler to compile Qt and kdelibs as you did use now 

How to repeat the error -------------------

everytime by generating a KDE mini

Bugfix or Workaround ----------------------

thats the question!

System Information ------------------------

KDevelop version	: 1.0beta4.1
KDE version		: KDE 1.1.2
QT version		: 2.0
OS/Distribution		: SUSE 6.3
Compiler		: egcs-2.91.66

misc :

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