Bug#2053: .kdelnk generated incorrectly [15:55,27.09.99]

Stephan Uhlmann uhlmann at fara2.cs.uni-potsdam.de
Mon Sep 27 14:02:49 UTC 1999

Package: kdevelop
Version: 1.0beta3
Severity: normal

Bugreport ID : 15:55,27.09.99

Originator	: Stephan Uhlmann
E-Mail	: suhlmann at gmx.de

Subject : .kdelnk generated incorrectly

Error Class	: software bug
Error Location: app-wizard
Priority	: low
Bug Description ---------------------------

the entries generated in the .kdelnk file are just the same as
the project-name. If the project name starts with an uppercase
letter, that's not correct for entries like "Exec" or
"Icon" (despite it surprisingly works there) and "DocPath".

How to repeat the error -------------------

create a new project starting with an uppercase letter
(e.g. Kmud ;-)) and look at the generated kdelnk-file.

Bugfix or Workaround ----------------------

System Information ------------------------

KDevelop version	: 1.0beta3
KDE version		: 1.1.1
QT version		: 1.44
OS/Distribution	: GNU/Linux SuSE 6.2
Compiler		: gcc version 

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