interface changes and improvements in QextMDI

Falk Brettschneider gigafalk at
Thu Nov 18 11:40:03 UTC 1999


I made some changes in kdevelop/widgets/qextmdi and in
kdevelop/ckdevelop_init.cpp and ckdevelop_noslot.cpp. You will need to
recompile the appropriate parts of KDevelop.

New features:
- the interface of the method QextMdiMainFrm::addWindow has changed
  now one can initially set: show view as maximized
                             a geometry rectangle for an initial view
- the window menu layout is improved,
- a bugfix for item IDs is made in the window menu (bug of category
"seldom but evil" ;-))
- because of the missing "#define WIN32" in kdevelop it will use the new
KDE-look theme of QextMDI

In case of questions/problems I'd welcome if you email me.


P.S.: There is no release of a new alpha version.

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