Bug#2269: Bug in linking options

Oliver Pertz Pertz at uni-duisburg.de
Wed Nov 10 14:45:42 UTC 1999

Package: kdevelop
Version: 1.0beta4.1 (self-compiled)
Severity: normal

Bugreport ID : 15:26,10.11.99

Originator	: Oliver Pertz
E-Mail		: Pertz at uni-duisburg.de

Subject : Bug in linking options

Error Class	: software bug
Error Location	: project management
Priority	: medium
Bug Description ---------------------------

Editing a C++ terminal application. I need to use an external library which
I add by using the Project Options->Linking Options->Additional libraries
field entering -lmeschach 
Works fine and compiles, but next time I open the Linking Options window
"-lmeschach" was changed to "schach -lm". When clicking OK it compile 
longer works (if Math library switch is turned off, -lmeschach is changed
to "schach" (Quotes only to help reading) 

How to repeat the error -------------------

Can be arbitrarily repeated. Just correct to -libmeschach close options,
open option window again and change to linking options. -lmeschach has 
once changed to meschach -l

Bugfix or Workaround ----------------------

Do not use external libraries with libm* (it works fine if the library's base
name does not start with "m".

System Information ------------------------

KDevelop version	: 1.0beta4.1 (self-compiled)
KDE version		: 1.1.2
QT version		: 1.44
OS/Distribution		: SuSE Linux 6.2 Kernel 2.2.13
Compiler		: gcc 2.95.1

misc :
CPU Athlon 600, 128 MB
Alpha 500, 256 MB

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