Discusion "Release 1.0beta1 and licenses"

Ralf Nolden Ralf.Nolden at post.rwth-aachen.de
Tue Jul 27 21:44:20 UTC 1999

Bernd Gehrmann wrote:
> > I added a chapter to the programming handbook. Any comments welcome to
> > exclude any error to licensing issues. I think this is important as I
> > don't want to get into trouble if I wrote something wrong ;-)...
> The statement "you can use any existing code also licensed under the GPL
> and include it into your package" is misleading. This is only possible
> if each and every part of the application - including libraries - is
> distributed under the GPL. Want to use Qt: Bad luck. Want to use Mozilla
> code: Bad luck. Want to use ViaVoice: Bad luck.
> Bernd.

<item>you can use any existing code also licensed under the GPL and
include it into your package (as long as there are no restrictions
that interfere to any code-reuse due to the limitations of the used
software's licensing),

Ok, I changed it to that statement. I know it isn't very intuitive, but
what the hell, you have to ask for reuse anyway if you're unsure...;-)

BTW: What about the reuse of the dialogeditor library ? does that count
under the LGPL ? Commercials will get into trouble if it isn't or ?



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