KDevelop 1.0 (take 3)

Sandy Meier smeier at rz.uni-potsdam.de
Thu Dec 2 19:15:04 UTC 1999


I have good news. "All" bugs are fixed and we have finally
a source distribution!!! Please download it and make a final test. 
"./configure;make; make install" :-)

download URL: ftp://fara.cs.uni-potsdam.de/incoming/

Updated schedule:

3 Dec 1999
 * source distribution of KDK (Walter)
3-5 Dec 1999 
 * binary versions (KDevelop, KDK) SuSE (Walter), RedHat (Troy?),
 FreeBSD (Andreas), Debian (Bernd?), Slackware (Martin), Mandrake (?)

5 Dec 1999
 * press release for KDevelop and KDK (Ralf), I think we should take the old one 
 with the updates from Christian Kirsch

6.Dec 1999
 * release KDevelop 1.0 and KDK 1.0!
 * release of the new homepage (Stefan B.)


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