Kmail no connection to gmail after password change

Andreas Hencke andreas.hencke at
Fri Nov 8 22:52:40 GMT 2024

Good evening at all!

Earlier this week I changed my Google password. After changing it in Kmail, there is no 
connection to gmail.
I only get the report "Authentifizierung zusätzlicher Bereiche ist fehlgeschlagen” 
(Additional scope authentication failed).
The same happens when I delete and re-setup the account. It must be a Kmail issue 
because it appears on all my (Arch-) Linux machines with Kmail but not with 
Since I couldn’t find anything related in some Linux-forums (Arch, Manjaro Garuda or 
Ubuntu) or I’d really appreciate some help!

I’m Arch-Linux 6.11.6-arch1-1-x86-64 with plasma-desktop 6.2.3-1 and Kmail 6.2.3 



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