Fw: Kleopatra Support

Axel Braun axel.braun at gmx.de
Fri Mar 15 10:56:47 GMT 2024

Hello Hernan

Am Donnerstag, 14. März 2024, 23:18:08 CET schrieb Hernan Rojas:
> Hi Team!
> I am having an issue with Kleopatra.

thats not an issue with Kleopatra. Its a misunderstanding how GNUpg/encryption works

> I have one user that cannot send emails to her manager.
> I have found the Public Key and Imported to her Pc but when I tried to certify is asking me for a passphrase and the user does not know the passphrase.
> I am stuck in this step.
> [https://aus.myconnectwise.net/v4_6_release/api/inlineimages/onplatinum/6fe3655d-a0c7-4790-9081-33331c5c4bca]
> Is there any process to reset this Passphrase?

How would you verify that you are the good guy that wants to reset the passphrase for your private key, and not the bad guy, who phished the key from your PC? 

Create a new key for the user, and carve the passphrase in stone afterwards


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