How to deal with encrypted messages

Axel Braun axel.braun at
Tue Oct 25 14:11:02 BST 2022

Hello Sandro,

Am Samstag, 22. Oktober 2022, 18:56:07 CEST schrieb Sandro Knauß:
> This is the development mailing list. This question is more suitable for the 
> kdepim-users list.

> > Currently each encrypted message has to be clicked individually to see the
> > content. 
> You can enable automatic decryption of mails. Go to settings -> Security -> 
> Reading -> "Attempt decryption of encrypted messages when viewing" (see 
> screenshot)

Ah, this setting was hidden (scrolling down required..even on HD screen). Thank you!
> >Messages are excluded from search by this, and it is in fact not possible to 
> work efficiently with encryption.
> Yes the current state is that the decrypted text is not indexed. Help is 
> highly welcome ;) And this work can also been funded! Just get in contact with 
> me.

I would love to, but I'm not a programmer....

> There is a "decrypt" filter, to replace your encrypted mails with a decrypted 
> one - in combination with copy you can create a local copy of the decrypted 
> mails. Just keep in mind, if you simply run this filter on an IMAP folder, the 
> decrypted content reach the server, too!

OK, will look into this as well


> > How about automatic decryption? 
> > GnuPG key might be entered once at start of KMail, or even stored in kwallet 
> (despite of security considerations).
> Technically we have no extra layer over gnupg to control those. So you need to 
> nudge gpg-agent for doing this. Just use the internet to find solutions for 
> your use case. It would be nice if you document your findings in the userbase, 
> so we one site where others can find easy solutions:
> Some hints:
> * To cache the passphrase it is `default-cache-ttl` setting in gpg-agent.
> * To feed the passphrase from kwallet `pinentry-program /usr/bin/pinentry-
> kwallet`.

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