May 30th 2022, Google and IMAP

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Fri Mar 4 11:53:35 GMT 2022


[Apologies if you get this twice!]

So it appears that on May 30th Google is going to cut off "good old" IMAP access to GMail (as if email is such an inherently secure medium that you really need that additional login security...). If I hadn't come to depend on having around 15Gb of free remote email storage with (remote filtering into) lots of folders I'd jump ship now, but I wouldn't really know where.

I suppose KMail5 will continue to work, but not KMail4 which I still vastly prefer. I know some of you use claws as a fallback ... what options will there be to continue to use a traditional imap client with GMail?

I suppose it should be possible to write an interface that connects to GMail via a sanctioned method and presents itself as a standard IMAP server to email clients. Maybe such a thing exists already?


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