korgac gone in 22.04?!

Dietz Proepper dietz.kde at scanthis.de
Thu Jun 30 10:47:38 BST 2022

Am Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2022, 15:58:14 CEST schrieb Ianseeks:
> There is a replacement that is very basic and crashes when you dismiss a
> reminder - its a big step backwards regarding functionality.

Even worse - it seems to be lacking around 90% of korgac's functionality. If I 
postpone an event, can I see that anywhere? Can I have a list of outstanding 

Sorry to fret around, but I fear this new approach is rather unusable! The 
notifications are simply not made for this kind of reminder. If I i.e. 
postpone s.t. for 5min, I still want to see it somewhere. Implementing 
something similar in the notifications would be not quite easy I fear.

Kindest regards,
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