mail bomb

Ian Douglas ian at
Sun Apr 17 12:28:29 BST 2022

On Sunday, 17 April 2022 13:08:40 SAST Ingo Klöcker wrote:

> Even a shared code base could be compiled as 32-bit application/library or
> as 64-bit application/library. In any case, if KMail produced the zip file,
> then it did most likely use a different code base than the unzip program.
> zip is a standardized format. There are many libraries and programs written
> in a multitude of programming languages that all can produce and consume
> zip files. All of those zip files are compatible, but compatibility doesn't
> mean that 32-bit application are magically able to digest files larger than
> 4 GiB.
> > Let me qury the Gentoo guys about 64-bit unzip.

> > How is Kmail importer going to handle it?
> The same way as the KMail exporter. By using a 64-bit library.

"The maximum size for both the archive file and the individual files inside it 
is 4,294,967,295 bytes (232−1 bytes, or 4 GB minus 1 byte) for standard ZIP."

Okay I will try on the new box and see what happens.

Thanks, Ian
ian at
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Phone +27-21-975-7273

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