imap troubles

Martin Steigerwald martin at
Tue Apr 12 20:05:42 BST 2022

gene heskett - 12.04.22, 13:33:03 CEST:
> > Additionally I'd start KMail from the console or look what is
> > happening in ~/.xsession-errors or /var/log/user.log depending on
> > whether your distributions uses Systemd or not.
> restarted from konsole, gets this on konsole screen:
> gene at coyote:~$ kmail
> Cannot initialize model with data QJsonObject() . missing:
> QJsonValue(string, "urls")

Nothing in there that looks like a (serious) problem for me.

Besides kwalletmanager not working – I have no idea on this one – what 
was the original IMAP issue to begin with?

Dependent on what it was, different steps to diagnose and solve it may be 

That written… I am quite unhappy with the state of Akonadi myself and my 
motivation to guide someone through all steps that may help to fix an 
issue… is limited as well. In case I have a major issue I usually manage 
to fix it in some way or another. Luckily it did not completely break 
since quite a while. But it has many of the very same performance and 
stability issues it has… since its inception. Meanwhile I came to the 
conclusion that it would be an enormous effort to fix those *within* 
Akonadi. Daniel Vrátil tried to fix the most pressing issues, but has 
given up midway and AFAIK no one else picked up. It is a pity. Plasma 
and KDE applications are awesome. However long-term unfixed issues in 
Akonadi and Baloo spoil the generally good impression quite a bit.

It is what it is, so best luck for fixing your issue.


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