Violation maximum line length (RFC 2822) for forwared mails

rhkramer at rhkramer at
Fri Mar 5 12:59:29 GMT 2021

On Friday, March 05, 2021 06:06:13 AM Peter Humphrey wrote:
> On Thursday, 4 March 2021 20:33:56 GMT rhkramer at wrote:
> > If you have some magic way of getting all people to use words (in
> > particular, "folding" in the same way, please do so, and let me know.

Fixing typo / grammo: -------=--------------------)^

> Widespread use of a good dictionary would be a good start. (What proportion
> of households would you guess have no books at all?) Then again, teaching
> of English language in schools should be resumed.

From an older email in this thread

> > Other people / contexts seem to mean the ability of some software 
> > some text editors / word processors) to hide portions of the text, leaving
> > (typically) only one leading line and some kind of marker (typically in 
> > left margin) that can be clicked to reveal the text that was hidden. 
> > (Leaving a different marker than can be used to re-hide the text.)

> That's neither breaking nor folding: just showing that the line is longer 
> than what you're seeing.

Not really to argue, but just one example from a google search for [define: 
folding text].  Google searches for simply [define: folding[ mostly found 
references to non-computer oriented folding, or protein folding -- didn't look 
hard to find an exception.


Vim Folding
By Yanis 
March 15, 2020 
Folding is a way to hide a chunk of text, and thus unclutter the view. That 
comes handy when you need to focus on some other part of code, or if you want 
to get a quick overview of the whole file.
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