Fwd: O365 via EWS in kmail

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at kde.org
Mon Jan 18 15:35:40 GMT 2021

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---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Martin van Es <mrvanes at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2021 at 13:58
Subject: O365 via EWS in kmail
To: <kde at mail.kde.org>


The company I work for will migrate mail to O365 and we, the linux people
are fighting to get this working in our favorite clients (davmail is
mentioned a lot!). It seems kmail has an option to get this working:


But it doesn't work for me. I can authenticate using oAuth (I get an
embedded browser popup) and the logs say I have a new token, but after that
akonadi can't connect to the server (
https://outlook.office365.com/ews/exchange.asmx). I'm still on Kubuntu
20.10, and I know that we're a bit behing kde framework and applications.
Can this work on 20.10, or will this be fixed in 21.04 that comes with
newer framework/applications?


Pronouns: she/her
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