kmail has no wings, doesnt fly.

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Mon Dec 6 17:55:45 GMT 2021

Greetings all;
I'm on bullseye, brand new install. kmail starts, and has imported my older stretch Mail mailbox.  And it can read those old msgs.

But that is all I have been able to make it do. Under settings-<add account, clicking on add account does not do ANYTHING, no response. Ditto for check mail, zero reponse.
So obviously I am missing something it needs which does not seem to be listed even in synaptics reccomends list.

The Question then is what?

account-wizaard, nearly all of akonadi, sendmail gnugpg are installed.

My stretch setup used fetchmail to pull from my ISP's imap account which is dovecot.
fetchmail hands the MTA job off the procmail which runs it past clamav, and then
spamassassin and what survives get put in $HOMEDIR, which historically has been /var/mail/me. A script I named mailwatcher launches inotifywait to watch that directory,
and when a file is closed, exits returning the filename, it immediately restarts inotifywait again, then checks the filename for 3 options and if any match. its sends kmail a dbus msg to go get that mail, which runs it thru a folder section and stashes it in the chosen folder.

I would be very pleased to continue this mail fetching because it removes 99% of the time kmail is frozen while its doing all that. This has been working flawlessly since I was on dialup at 2400 baud. I don't want to think how long that has been but I did my first linux install in 1998 so its been quite close to 20 years.

My old scripts still work, cleaning out my mail account at my isp, and generating a multimegabyte mailfile in /var/mail named me. but kmail can't see it..

Please advise what do I need to install yet on this new bukkseye install, to enable kmail to function?

Cheers, Gene
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