Kontact errors

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at gmail.com
Thu May 14 22:09:20 BST 2020

On Thursday May 14 2020 20:00:29 Ingo Klöcker wrote:

>I disagree. Kontact (like most other applications with a graphical user 
>interface) are not tailored for being run in a terminal.

And I disagree with that. How you use a GUI application and how you start it are 2 completely different things, and I've yet to come across a GUI shell that's as powerful as a commandline shell. But more importantly, GUI applications can indeed print information that's not only useful to the developers but to the user, and polluting the output with loads of anecdotal information will make the useful bits hard if not impossible to find. Regardless of where the output goes; polluting a logfile is only slightly less irksome in my book.

>The messages that Kontact (and many, if not most, other GUI applications) 
>writes to the terminal can be helpful when debugging problems. Usually, it 

Qt makes it easy to filter the information of interest; qCDebug for debugging info that's mostly interesting to the developers (and a priori NOT printed by default), qCInfo and QCWarning for messages that are (more) relevant for users also.

>version of the library. The developers consider those messages and decide 
>whether it's necessary to act now or later or never.

Yeah, of course they do. On their systems, not on ours.

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