kmail has messed up the email accounts

test test at
Mon Jun 1 10:45:50 BST 2020

On Saturday, May 30, 2020 9:36:38 PM CEST Ingo Klöcker wrote:
> On Samstag, 30. Mai 2020 14:14:09 CEST test wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > somehow kmail has messed up the email accounts in that I can not pick a
> > sender from the list of my email addresses when creating a new message,
> > and
> > emails I'm sending are being put into the wrong Sent folders despite the
> > correct folders are configured in the settings.  "Wrong Sent folders"
> > means
> > that a message from account A is being into the Sent folder of account B
> > instead of into the Sent folder of account A when I'm sending it.
> > 
> > How can I fix this?
> Check the configured identities (Settings->Configure KMail...->Accounts-
> >Identities). The sent-mail folder can be set/changed on the Advanced tab of
> the identity settings.
> To verify the sent-mail folder when you create a new message, you can enable
> the display of the sent-mail folder in the View menu of the composer
> window.
> Regards,
> Ingo

Thanks, that's what I thought ... :)

I checked that like 5 times before posting my question, and I checked again 
now.  One of the accounts was set to the wrong identity --- and Trash is now 
the only folder I can configure on the advanced tab.

What happened to Sent, Drafts and Templates?

(Not that I would want to configure this; instead I would rather have kmail 
use these folders automatically in the right accounts and only configure them 
if I want to.  Getting my emails all messed up by the MUA putting them into 
the wrong folders even across accounts is really something I don't need.

And the concept of identities is bullshit; I'm just using different email 
accounts for different purposes.  That doesn't have anything to do with my 
identity; my identity is not something I would reveal to anyone and especially 
not to the whole world by sending emails or otherwise.  It's what leads to 
everything being messed up in the first place because if I could just use 
different email accounts, this wouldn't happen to begin with.  Maybe it's for 
people who don't know who they are or who are suffering from some kind of 
mental illness ...)

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