[KDE-pim] New Install: AKONADI wit PostgreSQL

rhkramer at gmail.com rhkramer at gmail.com
Wed Dec 23 12:53:37 GMT 2020

On Tuesday, December 22, 2020 10:15:20 PM Bjoern Bidar wrote:
> > > I'd appreciate any advice and link for an instruction, how to set it up
> > > correctly. What has to be considered to use PostgreSQL for my personal
> > > databases and AKONADI, as well; f.e. an additional scheme for AKONADI?
> > 
> > here's what i have. you'll need to replace "vixie" with your login name.
> You example config is a bit verbose, that is enough:
> > $HOME/.config/akonadi
> > 
> > $ cat akonadiserverrc
> > [%General]
> > Driver=QPSQL
> I recommend to install the latest major version and the major version
> behind that to make the upgrading of the database easier.

I assume you mean two versions of PostgreSQL?

Can you elaborate a little on why / how this helps with upgrading the 

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