flatpak, KDE PIM, sandboxing and akonadi data

Daniel Vrátil dvratil at kde.org
Thu Jul 4 15:24:09 BST 2019

On Wednesday, 3 July 2019 10:40:25 CEST René J.V. Bertin wrote:
> Hi,


> Does anyone know if the PIM apps installed and run through flatpak use the
> same akonadi data as the apps installed and run "normally" (from
> /usr[/local]/bin etc)?

They don't.

> In other words, could one use the flatpak version (from flathub, to be
> exact) to test-drive a different version without risking your main Akonadi
> data?

Yes, the Flatpak'ed Akonadi stores data, database and configuration completely 
separately from the non-sandboxed Akonadi.

> Would this use the same session DBus or does the flatpak sandboxing come
> with its own (IOW, would you have to stop the main akonadi/PIM runtime)?

Yes, you have to stop the main Akonadi and PIM apps before running the 
Flatpak'ed one due to DBus name conflicts - unfortunately when I first created 
the Flatpak it did not occur to me the DBus names are going to leak outside of 
the Flatpak, so I did not use namespacing for the Flatpak - and there's no 
easy way to "migrate" into a namespace now.


> Thanks,
> R.

Daniel Vrátil
www.dvratil.cz | dvratil at kde.org
IRC: dvratil on Freenode (#kde, #kontact, #akonadi, #fedora-kde)

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