A fresh start with KMail

Martin Steigerwald martin at lichtvoll.de
Mon Aug 19 09:56:34 BST 2019

Peter Humphrey - 19.08.19, 10:50:56 CEST:
> On Saturday, 17 August 2019 16:50:34 BST I wrote:
> > Having tired (many times :) ) of wrestling with KMail, I've decided
> > to start again from scratch. Not only a new user account, but no
> > import of old emails. I've created the folder structure and
> > imported my filters, but I've no emails. This one may even be the
> > first.
> Well, I know it's early days yet, but after receiving 50 emails via
> POP3,
> kmail is behaving itself impeccably. This reinforces what I said:
> > My reasoning is that something must be wrong with the store of
> > emails I've built up over the years, to cause such mayhem. So: save
> > it somewhere safe and start all over again.
> So now it seems there's an opportunity (!) to ferret out where kmail
> is vulnerable to its own data structures. Perhaps something as simple
> as wrongly specified array bounds. As I said before, though, I'm not
> confident I could help in that search, though I'd be happy to give it
> a go if I had a pointer to where to start.
> (Management-speak: "we don't have problems here, only opportunities.")

I'd open a bug report if your KDEPIM version is recent enough and 
provide as much data as I could. But only if it is recent enough. I do 
not open any new KDEPIM/Akonadi bugs currently as the 18.04 I am using 
is just very old and a lot of even smaller issues may be fixed already.

Please understand that I have other priorities than to guide you through 
the process of digging out what may have caused it. Akonadi still 
appears complex to me and while I understand quite some of that I do not 
claim I have the full picture. But anyway, there are other things that 
are more important to me right now. Thus in my recent mails I gave as 
much pointers as I could and you can see whether you can go from there.

If you have any more specific question during the process I may decide to 
take the time to provide a quick answer.


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