vertical grey "No HTML Message" alongside message body

Henk van Velden henk.vanvelden at
Mon Sep 3 20:22:43 BST 2018

On Monday 03 September 2018 21:15:44 Jerome Yuzyk wrote:
> [KMail 5.8.3 on Fedora 28]
> I just updated to the latest KMail this morning and now I have a vertical
> "No HTML Message" in a gray bar alongside the message body. I don't see how
> to remove it in any menus or settings.
> How do I turn it off?

Isn't that normal?
I have the same on my Kmail 3.5.10. Thus I assume that it was always the case, 
but could be temporary lost?

Met vriendelijke groet,
Henk van Velden

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