So I think I found my new mails...

Ian Douglas ian at
Fri Mar 23 12:08:35 GMT 2018


As previously mentioned / ranted either here or on a bug report, since the 
last update in late January, KMail has been storing my mails "somewhere else" 
rather than in 
where it did previously.

Deleted mails are now put in 

I think I have finally found where the new mails are, and they're buried in a 
long string of numbered directories by Akonadi.

See attached.


1. This is not a maildir.

2. Is this the actual mail, or some sort of Akonadi copy? It's all I could 
find under .local/ ... after several repeated attempts with Kfind.

Consequences created by this:

1. Kmail/Akonadi thinks all mail is stored in this structure, so trying to 
open mails from before, just results in "please wait while the message is 
transferred" (from <deity> alone know where... it's POP3 Maildir, not IMAP Out 

2. filter searches don't always work as expected.

3. incoming mail filters fail automagically, but somehow work okay when run 
with ctrl-J. I don't know why, the filters are supposed to move the messages 
to predefined MailDir folders, which fails on "auto" but on manual moves them 
into the correct spot in Kmail but not the correct spot in the Maildir on 

I'm sure there are further downstream behavioural consequences of all of this.

Can a dev or someone knowledgeable please advise re Issue 2 above... 

I really want my things in maildir ... I need to merge the old mails in 
maildir with new mails in this odd structure, plus another 20k that Akonadi 
put in Lost+Found back in 2013 ...

Thanks, Ian
ian at
Zero 2 Infinity - The
Phone +27-21-975-7273
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