gmail account troubles

Ovidiu-Florin Bogdan ovidiu.b13 at
Fri Aug 31 20:45:45 BST 2018

Try removing the resource completely from akonadi. It seems something went wrong when creating the resource while it was getting access from Google. I'm guessing some cached data might still exist.

If this does not work, try doing a full reset if you're willing to reconfigure everything. I do this when ever my setup goes bonkers.

There's a thread somewhere on this list about what to delete when doing a full reset. PErhaps we should write a wiki page on that.

În ziua de vineri, 31 august 2018, la 20:33:00 EEST, E. Hakan Duran a scris:
> Hi all,
> I just realized that Kontact/Kmail had problem in accessing my gmail accounts. I actually removed one of my gmail accounts and tried to add it back with no avail. Kmail claims that I (the user) rejected wallet access; however I was never prompted for it. Please see attached console output from akonadi if it helps. 
> Thanks for the input.
> Hakan

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