akonadi loses constantly track

Jörg Schaible joerg.schaible at gmx.de
Thu Aug 16 20:22:42 BST 2018


I am using a Gentoo system and when the akonadi/KMail stuff went for 18.04 into stable packages 3 weeks 
ago, I hoped my problems with akonadi/KMail will be solved, because of those major improvements with the 
DB connection. No avail.

However, this version is the worst ever, sorry.

I am keeping my mails in an LDAP server of the intranet, so I have no local mails. After reading ~10 mails, 
Kmail will no longer get any response from akonadi. Same happens if I let KMail open and return after some 
minutes - no response anymore. Outgoing mails get stuck in that folder and are sent over and over again, 
because they cannot be moved into the Sent Mails folder of the IMAP server (Courier). I have to use 
"akonadictl stop" to get KMail responsible again after it restarts akonadi. Actually you never know, if a mail has 
been sent or not.

When I installed the new version, the first thing I did was an akonadictl fsck. After an hour I went actually to 
bed, I have no idea hoe long it took. My first impression was good. Some mails that did no longer show any 
content were available again. But after some time the akonadi problems started again.

Today I did the an fsck again. Well, it took less than a minute this time, but following snippet of the output is 
telling enough:

Moved 480322 unreferenced files to lost+found.
Checking size treshold changes...
Found 0 parts to be moved to external files
Found 0 parts to be moved to database
Looking for dirty objects...
Collection "Search" (id: 1) has no RID.
Collection "OpenInvitations" (id: 661) has no RID.
Collection "DeclinedInvitations" (id: 662) has no RID.
Found 3 collections without RID.

My wife has actually the same problems with her workstation. As a simple user she actually reboots her 
system every time akonadi get stuck, because she don't know how to help herself otherwise. CLI is not hers.

Note, I am using KDE/Kmail now for more than 15 years and I always loved the application interface. But 
situation is not bearable anymore and I am now out of ideas. Maybe someone of you have more to say?

Akonadi backend is a local MySQL db (not embedded), akonadicosole tells me, that I am using KDE Framework 
5.46.0, Qt 5.9.6 (built against 5.9.4) and the xcb windowing system. Anything else I can provide?


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