Goodbye for now, kmail

Anders Lund anders at
Mon May 1 17:39:56 BST 2017

I can't go back to a working version without a lot of problems, 
unfortunately. I just tried Trojita, but it does not appear to work very 
well. Thunderbird unfortunately appears to not support plain text for 
composing messages, but I tried to force it to always send in plain 
text. It also seems to produce a local copy of my mail since forever, 
not very IMAP-like.

Anyone knows about a functional mail client? Maybe Claws?


On 01-05-2017 18:24, Werner Joss wrote:
> Am Montag, 1. Mai 2017, 17:48:51 schrieb Anders Lund:
>> Anyone else with similar experiences, or is it simply the iMAP server
>> used by my webhotel that does not work with akonadi?
> hm, well, here is my experience, after having used kmail from the first
> incarnation in kde 2.0:
> -	the most reliable version for me was that from EOL kde 3.5, which is
> btw. still available in the trinity project:
> -	then came a long cumbersome transition to akonadi based pim in the kde
> 4.x series, which drove me crazy for years, and then finally worked more or
> less reliable (from kde 4.13.x or so), and this is what I still use nowadays,
> kde 4.14.2 on debian jessie
> anyways, this still has some major flaws, e.g. distribution lists not working
> now and then (sometimes, they do, though) or issues with moving around mails
> between different IMAP servers.
> In one of these cases, I went back again to trinity, which 'just works'
> distribution lists was an ever lasting PITA in akonadi based kmail, broken
> over and over again, then fixed countless times in the 4.x series,
> and now, as one can read in mailing lists and the bug tracker
> (see e.g. continued in the
> kde 5.x series...
> on the other side, kmail has so many nice features (e.g. just mark a part of a
> message you want to reply to and then hit 'r' ...) I still prefer it to
> thunderbird, claws mail etc. (which all will not work well with other kde
> apps).
> for now, I will stick with the 4.14.2 version and just check from time to time
> the kde 5.x version in a parallel kubuntu installation,
> and once it gets mature, evtl. switch.
> probably that will be the moment when it gets abandoned by the kde devs,
> throwing all away and focusing on the 6.x series, as always :)
> just my 0.02 €
> Werner

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