Rebuild Akonadi

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Fri Mar 17 11:53:22 GMT 2017

On Friday March 17 2017 11:13:30 Sérgio Basto wrote:

Is your set-up so borked that you cannot even delete all services from the PIM configuration dialog or akonadiconsole, and recreate them?

>Some years ago I wrote this : 
>but can't find it anymore in  , it was moved to old
>page , but now I can't find it . 

Search the ML archives for a post by Dan Vratil in which he outlines which Akonadi, KMail etc. files to *backup* in order to be able to restore a working KMail set-up.

Deleting those files should give you a really clean slate.

You can also just trash


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